PVCOATING acheived hightest standards of application performance with Seal For Life Industries service standard for wrapping coating - Nghi Son oil refinery project


PVCOATING acheived hightest standards of application performance with Seal For Life Industries service standard for wrapping coating - Nghi Son oil refinery project


In August 2015, Mr. Dong Kyu Yoon – Director of Seal For Life Industries - Northeast Asia region had a visit at PVCOATING. Thanks to application of Polyken for package of providing anti-corrossion coating service by the wrapping method of U/G Piping – Nghi Son Petrochemical and Refinery Complex; Seal For Life Industries has awarded the certificate to recognize that PVCOATING achieved and maintained the highest standards of application performance.
The certificate of Seal For Life Industries awarded to PVCOATING
 The package of providing anti-corrosion coating service by the wrapping method of U/G Piping – Nghi Son Petrochemical and Refinery Complex - Thanh Hoa has been performed by PVCOATING since Oct 2014. The coating method applied is wrapping 3 layers with Polyken materials for cooling water pipelines with diameter from 2” to 108”. The total value of contract is approx. $1 million.

Expert of Seal For Life Industries (Left) with Project Team of PVCOATING at The Pipe Coating Plant. 

Project Team applying wrapping coating on siteNghi Son Petrochemical &
Refinery Complex - Thanh Hoa
That PVCOATING applied wrapping coating successfully to pipelines of Nghi Son Petrochemical & Refinery Complex and was recognized by material supplier and clients marked its initial success in orientation of diversifying services. That also shows PVCOATING can provide one-stop solution to clients in oil & gas industry and other industries.